Frequently Asked Questions

EJETMS will publish all types of research, review articles, case reports and short communications.

I want to submit a paper to your journal. Does it fall within the scope of the journal?

Visit the ‘Aim and Scope’ menu of the journal in the website. If you are not sure about the suitability, write to the Editor-in-Chief at:;

Where can I find Manuscript Template?

You can find the Manuscript Template in Quick Links menu.

Can I submit paper in .pdf format?

No. All paper has to be submitted in word format and in EJETMS template only.

What if I am unable to format the manuscript in EJETMS template?

We accept paper in EJETMS template only. One has to submit manuscript in camera ready format. However, in case one finds inability in submitting manuscript in camera ready format as per EJETMS template we do provide facility for getting the manuscript formatted as per template on chargeable basis in case author wants to avail the same. This is purely formatting services and we don’t do any rewriting/ editing of content whatsoever.

How do I submit my paper?

Submit your manuscript electronically at Submit Paper. To submit a manuscript electronically you need to convert your files to MS-Word format (.doc or docx extension).

Can I submit more than one paper for the same issue?

Yes, you can submit more than one paper for the same issue.

When should we submit our papers?

Authors can submit the manuscripts anytime by Online Submission. It will be published in forthcoming issue, if accepted.

When will I receive an acknowledgment email for my submission?

Paper submissions are normally acknowledged within 24 hours. In case the author do not receive any acknowledgment for a submitted paper, an email can be sent to:;

How many days it will take for Review Process/ Publication of article?

All the articles undergo through rapid review process for maximum of 10 days from the initial date of submission. The accepted articles will be published online within 7 days.

How can I check Indexing and Abstracting of Journal?

To know about the indexing status of the EJETMS, kindly go through the “Indexing & Abstracting” section in on the web page.

Where can I find Publication Ethics of Journal?

To know about Publication Ethics of the EJETMS, please go through the “Publication Ethics” section in the toolbar.

Does the journal have plagiarism policy?

Yes. The editorial board is very strict regarding plagiarism. The journal believes that taking the ideas and work of others without giving them credit is unfair and dishonest. Copying even one sentence from someone else's manuscript, or even one of your own that has previously been published, without proper citation is considered plagiarism-use your own words instead. The editorial board retains the absolute authority to reject the review process of a submitted manuscript if it subject to minor or major plagiarism and even may cancel the publication upon the complaint of victim(s) of plagiarism.

How can I contact the Journal Editorial Office?

You may contact the journal’s editorial office by clicking “Contact Us” in the toolbar.  

Is the journal published in print?


Is there any publication charges?

We offer Nominal processing fees to keep up our cost since we are open access journal with free subscription. For details visit: Instructions to authors

Can we make changes once paper is published?

Once an article is individually published on the EJETMS website, changes cannot be made in the article. Author-related information, such as affiliation, current address, and email address, is not kept up to date after a paper is initially electronically published. Once a manuscript is published online, corrections of critical errors may be made to the paper by submitting revised manuscript to editor.

Join Us

How to join the Reviewers Committee?

We welcome applications to join the Reviewers Committee. The possible reviewers have to send their resumes to:;

How to join the Editorial Board Member?

We welcome applications to join the Editorial Board. The possible editors have to send their resumes at:;

Contact Us

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