Design and Analysis of Regular and Irregular Shape Building in STAAD.PRO


  • Boga Pavan U.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering,, Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Ibrahimpatnam, Telangana, India.
  • Donthu Mukesh U.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering,, Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Ibrahimpatnam, Telangana, India.
  • Dubbayala Tejasri U.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering,, Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Ibrahimpatnam, Telangana, India.
  • Mohammed Sohel Ahmed Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Ibrahimpatnam, Telangana, India.


Building shapes; C-Shaped; E - shaped; Staad.Pro Software; Section Displacements


Different shapes can be adopted in the building construction. Different shapes of Buildings will behave differently. It depends on shape of the structure, load applied, area of cross sections, quality of materials, etc. In this Project C-Shaped (G+6) and E -shaped buildings were taken plans and designs of buildings were made using Staad Pro Software. From the obtained results, Section Displacements, shear forces and bending moments were compared for both the Buildings. This project presents an overview of Design and analysis of irregular shaped building using STAAD pro without lateral load. This paper is an experimental study evaluating Generating structural framing plan (irregular building). Creating model of irregular building in STAAD PRO. Application of loads on the member. Analysis of the structure.




How to Cite

Boga Pavan, Donthu Mukesh, Dubbayala Tejasri, & Mohammed Sohel Ahmed. (2024). Design and Analysis of Regular and Irregular Shape Building in STAAD.PRO. Erudite Journal of Engineering, Technology and Management Sciences, 4(3), 22–25. Retrieved from